sâmbătă, 17 octombrie 2009

If only...

Am vazut filmul aseara...am dat din greseala peste el, ma plimbam pe youtube si am dat peste piesa interpretata de Jennifer Love Hewitt si mi-a placut la nebunie. Asta probabil pentru ca cumva ceva din ea se potriveste cu un moment din viata mea.
Versurile mi s-au parut pe masura filmului...am plans cu lacrimi de crocodil, mi-am descarcat sistemul. E greu sa treaca o perioada dificila in care sa vrei sa plangi si sa nu poti...
Take my heart back - Jennifer Love Hewitt

It will be alright, you said, tomorrow,
Don't you cry,
Don't you shed a tear.
When you wake up,
I will still be here,
When you wake up,
We'll battle all your fears.

And now I'll take my heart back
Leave your pictures on the floor,
Steal back my memories
I can't take it anymore.
I cried my eyes out
And now I face the years,
The way you loved me
Vanished all my tears.

Just a little more time was all we needed
Just a little time for me to see
All the lies that life can give you
Or how it can ser you free.

So now I'll take my heart back,
Leave your pictures on the floor,
Steal back my memories
I can't take it anymore.
I cried my eyes out
Oh, and now I face the years.
The way you loved me
Vanïshed all my tears.

La, la, la, la, la
La, la, la, la, la
La, la, la
La, la, la
La, la

P.S. : Tema de gandire...sentimentul de dragoste e un impuls irational de auto-distrugere deghizat intr-un sentiment de fericire?